Sunday, November 25, 2012

Big Things Don't Have to be Big

This post is from something I wrote after attending our Advocare Success School back in July.  Sometimes when I write I put my thoughts on all these different notepads and the idea about a blog interested me because I was thinking it might be easier for me to contain it in one location.  We'll see.

"There is something spectacular about telling someone that they can do great things.  Everyone has been created by an amazing Creator and has a heart, mind and soul that can overcome and believe in something bigger than what they see.

Everything is huge in the eyes of a child.  Something happens when we begin to grow up physically that it shrinks, even our belief gets small.  The child, now grown adult, goes back to places that were 1000 acres big but was only a backyard!  How do we have that faith like a child so that we can believe again-believe in what is possible.  To dream and hope for the things we can't see.  I want that for me and my family.  Not a bigger bank account not even a bigger backyard, but a bigger heart that is open to come alongside others walking together in this journey and experiencing walls come down, mountains moved, a greater sense of self-worth, and a wonderful awe for the One who is above all things!

Not everything has to be big- big house, big TVs, big announcements, big events...sometimes it's small like a kiss, a hug, a smile, a note of encouragement.  But whether it's big or small it could mean a whole lot to someone who wants to believe BIG!"

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ready, Set, Go

I don't know about you, but when I have a thought on starting something two things can happen...the thought turns into action or the thought remains a thought.  This idea to start my own blog has been a thought for a long time but obviously it is no longer just a thought it is the start towards something. I don't know what yet, but it's a start.  There are a lot of things that have kept me from starting a blog, such as: I didn't know how, what if I can't make the commitment to maintaining a blog, what if my blog stinks, maybe I'm full of myself, fear of failure, fear of vulnerability, or just plain laziness.  Truth be told-it is not easy to self motivate myself! So with that truth exposed, the title of my blog is what inspired me to move forward on this thought to start a blog.  

Back in the spring I remember being on one of those dreaded runs where I just wanted to turn around and walk back home. But I did bring my music and had my iPad  on shuffle and the next song(at just about the time I wanted to turn back) was by Alison Krauss.  It was a fast paced jig with the fiddle playing along with the banjo and it brought an excitement to my pace that I needed to keep going.  I smiled at the thought that this music had the power to kick my lazy ass forward.  Again, the thought came later that there are things, people and events that are the inspiration behind our motivation to get things done.  Whether "done" is the finish line of a race, or the start of a long journey that won't be "done" until God calls me upward. 

What is my motivation in doing this? A desire to write and contain my thoughts about those things that encourage me and help move me forward. Black Friday. And a dear friend who is holding me accountable to start. Thanks Court.